K-Rain Recognizes July Smart Irrigation Month
Sunday, July 1, 2018
RIVIERA BEACH, FL 33404 — Riviera Beach, Florida-based K-Rain Manufacturing has teamed up with the Irrigation Association to recognize July Smart Irrigation Month by helping customers save water, save money and see better results.

Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people? The rest is salt water or is permanently frozen and we can't drink it, wash with it, or use it to water plants. “The average person doesn’t think of water as a limited resource,” said Chip Kah, K-Rain President. “The more the population grows, the more important it becomes that we use our water wisely.”
Smart Irrigation Month is a public awareness campaign to promote efficient water use. Focused on July, traditionally the month of peak demand for outdoor water use, the campaign highlights simple practices and innovative technologies to:
•Make maintaining green spaces easy and convenient.
•Minimize overwatering while keeping lawns, gardens and landscapes beautiful and healthy.
•Save money on utility bills.
•Help protect community water supplies for today and the future.
Property owners and managers typically overwater, unintentionally wasting money every time they take out the hose or turn on the sprinklers. K-Rain, a leading manufacturer of smart water-saving irrigation products, and the Irrigation Association are delivering real results by:
•Supplying Homeowner’s with a Guide to Landscape Irrigation
•Providing tips and tricks to improving your water use efficiency
•Providing new irrigation products that use real-time weather data and soil moisture sensors to automatically adjust watering to meet plant needs.
•Creating awareness with children through coloring books and puzzle books
•Helping irrigation contractors to retrofit existing systems with rain sensors that prevent watering in rainy weather.
•Educating homeowners about programmable automatic controllers to comply with community watering restrictions while extracting maximum benefit from every drop of water.
For more information, visit https://www.krain.com/smart-irrigation-month
Smart Irrigation Month is an initiative of the Irrigation Association, a non-profit industry organization dedicated to promoting efficient irrigation. #smartirrigationmonth
Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people? The rest is salt water or is permanently frozen and we can't drink it, wash with it, or use it to water plants. “The average person doesn’t think of water as a limited resource,” said Chip Kah, K-Rain President. “The more the population grows, the more important it becomes that we use our water wisely.”
Smart Irrigation Month is a public awareness campaign to promote efficient water use. Focused on July, traditionally the month of peak demand for outdoor water use, the campaign highlights simple practices and innovative technologies to:
•Make maintaining green spaces easy and convenient.
•Minimize overwatering while keeping lawns, gardens and landscapes beautiful and healthy.
•Save money on utility bills.
•Help protect community water supplies for today and the future.
Property owners and managers typically overwater, unintentionally wasting money every time they take out the hose or turn on the sprinklers. K-Rain, a leading manufacturer of smart water-saving irrigation products, and the Irrigation Association are delivering real results by:
•Supplying Homeowner’s with a Guide to Landscape Irrigation
•Providing tips and tricks to improving your water use efficiency
•Providing new irrigation products that use real-time weather data and soil moisture sensors to automatically adjust watering to meet plant needs.
•Creating awareness with children through coloring books and puzzle books
•Helping irrigation contractors to retrofit existing systems with rain sensors that prevent watering in rainy weather.
•Educating homeowners about programmable automatic controllers to comply with community watering restrictions while extracting maximum benefit from every drop of water.
For more information, visit https://www.krain.com/smart-irrigation-month
Smart Irrigation Month is an initiative of the Irrigation Association, a non-profit industry organization dedicated to promoting efficient irrigation. #smartirrigationmonth